The Prospected Family

Cover and Interior Designs

Book I in the Volumes from the Void series
Publisher: Black Brick Books, LLC
Art direction and publishing support: Mayfly
Author: Mike Ekstrom
Page count: 170
Formats: hardcover, paperback, and ebook

“So the saying goes, ‘A picture is worth a thousand words,’ and it goes without saying, there's more than a thousand good words to say about my debut book's cover, designed by the talented Jess LaGreca. Working with her and Mayfly to help turn my visions and aspirations into a reality that I was proud of was the highlight of my year. For quite some time, I had this idea of what I wanted my cover to look like and Jess nailed it, and working with her to fine tune the details was easier than actually writing the book! Now I have her design not only on my products and website, but also on business cards, bookmarks, stickers, and even a chalkboard! I could not be more satisfied from a cover design, so much so, that I will be using Jess for all of my future projects, and you should too!”